Digitale Unterwasserfotografie
If you are a passionate diver and want to further perfect your knowledge, without taking anything away from the fun and engaging aspect that the sea and diving itself have reserved for you so far, this is the right course for you!
The Course
This course, without starting you on a professional career, collects all the theoretical knowledge of the Divemaster course.
- Medical certificate
This course is available on ISDA e-Learning.
You can access:
- downloading ISDA e-learning APP
- via browser, at
Your Instructor will give you the code to access your studying materials: manual, review quizzes, videos and insights (if part of the course).
Programma del corso
The theoretical topics also find a practical application in scuba diving which will cover topics of:
- physics
- physiology
- dive tables
- environment
- equipment
Cosa otterrai
- International patent
E poi?
- Conseguito il brevetto Diving Knowledge, potrai quindi proseguire – anche in un secondo momento – verso il titolo di Divemaster, completando la tua preprazione con il corso Dive Guide che consiste nella parte pratica dell’ampio ed impegnativo corso Divemaster.