Commencer à plonger

Discover the wonders of the underwater world.
With ISDA courses you can personalize your experience from the very beginning of this new adventure.

Discorver Scuba Dive – a short experience, a “taste” of scuba diving.

Scuba Diver – a simple course accessible to all, where you learn the basics of scuba diving.

Open Water Diver – the first level of autonomous diver. certifies you for diving up to -18m. With this certification, you can are ready discover seabeds all over the world.

Advanced Open Water Diver – if you want to expand your experiences with night dives, wreck diving, deep diving and many more.

And then?

And then you can choose from many specialty courses to bring your passions underwater.

Or you can continue your training in the direction of professional diving.

Even in your experiences as an expert diver, with ISDA you have many possibilities.

  • 12 years of age (age reduced to 10 years at the discretion of the Instructor);
  • demonstration of good aquatic skills;
  • if a minor, authorization from the parent

This course is available on ISDA e-Learning.

You can access:

  • downloading ISDA e-learning APP
  • via browser, at

Your Instructor will give you the code to access your studying materials: manual, review quizzes, videos and insights (if part of the course).

1 theoretical/practical lesson.

The program issues a certificate and can be repeated.
If you enjoyed the adventure, enter the world of diving immediately with an Open Water Diver course.